October 06, 2010

American Apparel got fat in dallas

So... I've been job hunting and it's kind of limited. I mean there's lots of places around here, but I don't want to do food and the shops are either snobby boutiques or a few stores at mockingbird station. So my options were CVS, Gap, UO, American Apparel, and the Angelika Theater. I'm pretty sure CVS doesn't look at their online apps and they don't have paper ones.. so those faggots are out. Gap would be awful, i hate that store. So no. Urban Outfitters wouldn't work because I don't have a weird enough wardrobe or tats or a beard. And then I was pretty damn sure I couldn't get a job at American Apparel because I heard stories about everyone having to be super skinny and they weigh you and send in pictures to that douche fuck perv-meister: Dov. But recently I've been walking over to mockingbird station and have seen a lot of overweight ugly girls working there. And when I first heard about them not hiring uglies I was appalled... but now witnessing a fugly working there I kinda wished I could have been helped by someone who looked like a AA model. It just makes it cooler, even if it's intimidating sometimes. 
So yeah. Hopefully Angelika hires me after they do a background check. That'd be nice. I would love that job. Free movies. Then I can blog about them! NOt like rain man type movie reviews. But awesome ones with pictures. :)

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