December 29, 2010


life. Yeah it's the holidays so lots of stuff is going on and lots of presents and gift giving and money flying around, so that's probably whats making me so happy... but I dunno.. people usually get depressed if they're lonely for the holidays and i'm pretty optimistic about me future. Living here is going to suck, for sure. But if I can find a job and a car soon it won't be so bad.. and i'm 19, I don't HAVE to stay here. I'm sure there are options for me to live with other people. but for right now i'm just gonna try it!
Do I miss him? Kinda. But do I think i'm will be happier and have a lot more fun in the long run? HELL YEAH! can I find someone better?? I don't know. probably someone more mature that's for sure. But i'm not really interested in going out and looking for a guy. I really just want this time to work on myself and really do it... really follow through on my goals and then I will feel so accomplished and confident and i'm sure I will mature a whole lot. It will be great! Just bought a coach purse coach heels juicy sweat suit. loving it!! and i'm not even spending my money i'm just returning the ugly crap i got from people haha. so yay! I'm so glad i'm not rich because getting these things wouldnt be as exciting.. having a whle wardrobe of designer clothing wouldnt be special, you know? But getting a purse or a fabulous pair of heels that i'm going to get great use out of is totally exciting! and pairing it up with something cute I bought from target even. It's FUN being a girl.
I've been working out and stretching every night and trying to eat as healthy and as portion controlled as I can. I'm not doing it for "guys" or a specific guy, i'm doing it for MEEEE. and that feels amazing :) I also got impressions of my teeth today so that I can get new retainers that will fix my teeth! thank god!!! That's something that's been bothering me. Gotta have a good smile!
anywhoooo got some magazines to read, gonna get on that and do my work out and stretches. going to return more stuff tomorrow with my grandma. and then hanging out with kelsey for new years... thank goodness she's still being nice after dummie tried to sabotage my friendship or my name.. or whatever. whatever his damn intentions were. getting attention or something. That's really not cool. That was an argument between me and him. Sorry I got a little jealous, he gets that way all the time. It is not cool to go and tell some girl he just met that I called her a skank. because she doesn't understand, I dont blame her for getting upset... that's why he should have been smart enough to not say anything... like seriously.. i dont understand how he can be so immature. wow. anyway. It doesn't bother me that bad it's just one of those "forreal?!!??" moments. one of those moments that really turns ya off. but I'm glad I met him. I've learned a lot and for the most part I thought he was cool, and you know I loved him. A lot. I miss our good times. we were together ALL the time, not many people can do that. But we did, which was cool even though we fought sometimes. But I just don't deserve to not be loved back or to not be shown that i'm loved. because i know there is someone out there who will cherish me and how much love I give. I wasn't doing anything for myself. I wasn't doing my school work, I wasn't working out. I ate a lot because I felt.. kinda depressed.. because i wasn't getting anything back. I wanted to be with him all the time but there comes a time when you realize that you're giving up way too much and not getting anything back. Although I do see that he tried, atleast by driving out to see me all the time.... but other than that... i dont know.
ok bye.

October 06, 2010

 This is so funny. "watch him.....fuckin a, man- tonight is gonna suck"

American Apparel got fat in dallas

So... I've been job hunting and it's kind of limited. I mean there's lots of places around here, but I don't want to do food and the shops are either snobby boutiques or a few stores at mockingbird station. So my options were CVS, Gap, UO, American Apparel, and the Angelika Theater. I'm pretty sure CVS doesn't look at their online apps and they don't have paper ones.. so those faggots are out. Gap would be awful, i hate that store. So no. Urban Outfitters wouldn't work because I don't have a weird enough wardrobe or tats or a beard. And then I was pretty damn sure I couldn't get a job at American Apparel because I heard stories about everyone having to be super skinny and they weigh you and send in pictures to that douche fuck perv-meister: Dov. But recently I've been walking over to mockingbird station and have seen a lot of overweight ugly girls working there. And when I first heard about them not hiring uglies I was appalled... but now witnessing a fugly working there I kinda wished I could have been helped by someone who looked like a AA model. It just makes it cooler, even if it's intimidating sometimes. 
So yeah. Hopefully Angelika hires me after they do a background check. That'd be nice. I would love that job. Free movies. Then I can blog about them! NOt like rain man type movie reviews. But awesome ones with pictures. :)

September 21, 2010

What the F are you wearing... tights as pants. tights as pants? wait... you're wearing tights as pants? FORREAL? Ew.

I can't imagine what men have to say about this weird trend. They ought to be thinking... "what happened to the mini skirt and low cut top? That showed us what we wanted to see and yeah you looked like a ho but you didn't look like you left the house without putting pants on.." 
It's really awkward. Camel toe. Ass Crack. All the unshapely parts of your thighs and not to mention if you have a squatty butt. You can be skinny and have an awful looking ass. Now... if you're not super skinny and it's undeniably WRONG for you to show that much... why are you doing it? There must have been a point in one of these chicks lives when they were standing in front of the mirror and they thought  A) these don't do my body justice. B) I'm not on my way to the gym or about to run a marathon.. so how is this cute..? C) Aren't I supposed to be wearing a skirt over these skin tight.. tights? 
I'm grossed out. I'm confused. I'm scared. I'm ready to be able to walk around my college campus without having to stare at a lumpy butt that's been shoved into spandex.

Exotic Pets... I want my own little zoo please

Pygmy Marmoset
Blob Fish
Dumbo Octopussy
HOtot Bunny- owow look at that eye liner :p she's gorgeous!
mini horse. I don't know if it's real. but i want it.
Mini Pigs!!! definitely getting one of these with my boyfriend soon.

September 20, 2010

Turning to the pole.. losing your soul??

Pole dancing is put in a really negative light, cuz yeah, let's face it- it's raunchy and usually paired with fat old guys and lap dances... but really, this shit is hard and takes a lot of work and I think it's pretty damn admirable on the exercise and fitness aspect. 

Truth is.. if this whale keeps it up and learns to work that pole she's gonna start shedding all that blubber...

Cherry Darling from Planet Terror gave me the dream of being a pole dancer. Probably cuz she's really hot and it made her seem so powerful and awesome. She blows away zombies with her huge-ass gun leg. But seriously, pole dancing takes hard rock abs, and arms, and legs, it's fucking unbelievable cool. Little mini azn men do it at the circus all the time, except they're not sexy women in hot little outfits. Which makes it so much more fun.

Dressing in perfect harmony with the beloved collegiate life <3

If I had unlimited UO monies I'd rape that place off all their sweaters and plaid skirts.